Best Shotgun You Can Get Fallout 76 Early Game 2024

Starting out in the harsh wasteland of Fallout 76 can be daunting, especially when you’re facing down scorched and mutated creatures. Finding a reliable weapon early on is crucial for survival, and a good shotgun can be a game-changer. Here at, we’re dedicated to helping you navigate the intricacies of the game, and this article will guide you through the best shotguns you can get your hands on early in your Fallout 76 adventure.

We’ll explore the various shotguns available, where to find them, and what makes them effective choices. We’ll dive into their stats, mods, and how they fit into different playstyles. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your journey in Appalachia, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to make the right choice and dominate the early game.

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Why a Shotgun is Your Best Friend Early Game

Shotguns in Fallout 76 are powerful close-range weapons, ideal for dealing with the many threats that lurk in the early game. Their high damage per shot, especially at close quarters, makes them effective against common enemies like ghouls, scorched, and even early-game creatures. The spread of their pellets also makes them forgiving, allowing you to hit targets even if your aim isn’t perfectly on point. Here are a few reasons why a shotgun should be your go-to early game weapon:

  • High Damage Output: Shotguns can deliver significant damage, making quick work of most early-game enemies.
  • Close-Range Effectiveness: They excel in close-quarters combat, ideal for exploring buildings and tight spaces.
  • Forgiving Accuracy: The spread of the pellets increases the chance of hitting a target, even with less-than-perfect aim.
  • Availability: Shotguns are relatively common, and you can often find them early in the game.

Fallout 76 early game shotgun options comparisonFallout 76 early game shotgun options comparison

The Early Game Contenders: Top Shotguns

While many shotguns exist in Fallout 76, some stand out as particularly useful for early-game survival. Let’s take a look at some of the best options:

The Double-Barrel Shotgun: A Classic Choice

The Double-Barrel Shotgun is a very common firearm in Fallout 76, making it an easily obtainable weapon. Its biggest strength lies in its high initial damage per shot, capable of taking down weaker enemies in one or two blasts. This shotgun’s quick rate of fire and wide pellet spread makes it an effective and reliable weapon in close-quarter situations.

However, this shotgun has notable drawbacks, including a very small magazine size (only 2 shots before reloading) and its slow reload speed. This makes it less effective in protracted fights and against multiple enemies at the same time. As a beginner, it’s important to be careful to avoid becoming overwhelmed by enemies when wielding this weapon.

“The double-barrel is a great entry point to the shotgun category, providing a high burst of damage that’s perfect for new wastelanders,” notes Dr. Evelyn Reed, a renowned virtual weapon analyst. “It’s important to understand its limitations, though, such as its small magazine, to make the most of it.”

The Pump Action Shotgun: A Step Up

The Pump Action Shotgun is a strong upgrade from the double-barrel, offering superior versatility and a higher magazine capacity. The pump-action mechanism will deliver a satisfying feeling after each shot, making it a popular choice for many players. With a moderate firing rate, it provides a balance between power and speed. This shotgun typically has a larger magazine capacity than the double-barrel, often having around 5 or 8 rounds, depending on the modifications and the variant of shotgun that is found.

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The pump action shotgun can often be modified with improved stocks or barrels that help reduce the recoil, or extend the range, of this shotgun. Some of these modifications are very useful for the early game, making it even more effective against early game enemies.

The Combat Shotgun: A Late-Early Game Prize

The Combat Shotgun represents the peak of early-game shotgun power. Although not initially obtainable in the very early game, it’s usually available at mid-level encounters. With its high damage, good firing rate, and larger magazine capacity, the Combat Shotgun offers a significant upgrade from the pump-action shotgun, making it a very capable choice for a wide range of combat scenarios. The Combat Shotgun’s versatility allows it to deal with crowds or single targets easily.

The combat shotgun also has multiple modifications available that can dramatically change the stats of the shotgun to be better suited to different playstyles. A user may choose to modify a combat shotgun for better hip fire accuracy, better damage, range or even a modified magazine size for better performance.

“The Combat Shotgun is a game-changer for early game players,” explains Professor Alistair Bellweather, a game balance specialist. “Its enhanced capabilities make it ideal for tackling more challenging encounters.”

Fallout 76 combat shotgun modifications workbenchFallout 76 combat shotgun modifications workbench

Finding Your Perfect Shotgun: Where to Look

The key to obtaining the best early-game shotgun lies in knowing where to find them, so it is important to spend time exploring different locations across the map. Here are some reliable ways to find shotguns:

  • Enemy Drops: Defeating enemies like scorched, raiders, and super mutants can often yield shotguns as loot. The higher the level of the enemy, the more likely they are to drop better weapons.
  • Containers: Exploring containers like toolboxes, footlockers, and safes can also result in finding a shotgun.
  • Vendors: Train stations often have vendors where you can buy weapons, including shotguns.
  • Quests and Events: Certain quests and public events have a chance of rewarding you with shotguns. Pay attention to public events marked on the map and complete as many as possible.
  • Specific Locations: Some locations are known for higher weapon spawns. Exploring locations such as police stations, military bases, and abandoned buildings can often yield useful loot and weapons.

Specific Early Locations to look for Shotguns

Here are some specific locations you should consider checking for good shotguns:

  • The Wayward: This is one of the first locations you are directed to when exiting Vault 76. Check all the buildings, especially the basement for a chance of finding a double-barrel shotgun.
  • Flatwoods: Another early-game location with several buildings you can explore for containers and enemy encounters.
  • Morgantown: This town offers more challenging enemies, but the increased challenge brings with it a higher probability of finding better loot.
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Maximizing Your Shotgun’s Potential: Tips & Tricks

Obtaining a good shotgun is just the first step, and knowing how to maximize its potential is critical to success. Here are a few tips and tricks to get the most out of your shotgun:

  1. Modifications: Modding your shotgun is crucial to its effectiveness. Look for mods that increase damage, range, magazine capacity, or reduce recoil.
  2. Perks: Investing in perks that enhance shotgun damage will dramatically increase your overall DPS. Consider perks in the Strength tree, like “Shotgunner,” to maximize the effectiveness of your shotgun.
  3. Playstyle: Shotguns are best used in close-range combat. Use cover effectively and try to engage enemies one at a time to avoid being overwhelmed.
  4. Ammo Management: Be aware of your ammo count and consider carrying a backup weapon just in case you run out of shells during an engagement.
  5. Combine with VATS: Using VATS (Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System) can increase your accuracy, especially when dealing with fast-moving enemies.

Fallout 76 player menu perks build showing shotgun perksFallout 76 player menu perks build showing shotgun perks


Finding the best shotgun in Fallout 76 early game can significantly increase your chances of survival in the harsh wasteland. While the Double-Barrel is a good starting point, the Pump Action offers greater versatility and the Combat Shotgun becomes a powerful prize later in the early game. The key to success lies in obtaining a good weapon, modding it properly, and using a tactical play style. Remember to regularly explore new areas, take on public events, and keep an eye on vendors. With the right approach, you’ll have an easier time surviving the perils of Appalachia. Keep checking back with for more helpful guides, strategies, and insights into Fallout 76 and other popular games. Happy gaming!

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